On a calm night in an average city a hardworking URYDE driver, Brandon, picks up just another fare, Judd. Using interactions that blur the lines between the technological world and the physical one, Judd explains a messy breakup. Brandon offers an empathetic ear and a sympathetic heart to his new friend to help him pick up the pieces. Aggregated profiles, algorithms, links, likes and ments bring people closer. But how close is too close?
发布时间:2024-05-16 21:32人类的文明因物资的窘蹙而磨灭了,村平易近愚笨地把这个外来父亲逼上死路 年夜量的全景长镜头,典型的原生态布景,精简的对话,富有意味意义的面具等使得该片子完全离开了故事片形态,而更像是一首哀痛的、有着空灵意境和深挚内在的抒怀诗。